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Starter code for the Duke project

User Guide

Welcome to Duke/NUSBOT! This is a minimal command-line task list manager that can be used to keep track of your tasks.



  1. Download the duke.jar file from the latest release
  2. Place the duke.jar in the folder of your choice (data will be saved to the /data/ subfolder)
  3. Run java -jar duke.jar



Add a simple task that can be marked as done.


Add a task to be completed by a set deadline.


Add a task involving a specific date.


List all tasks.

Mark as done

Mark task as done.


Delete task.


Find task.


todo <description> - Add todo

Adds a task to be done.

Example of usage:

todo study for test

Expected outcome:

Added task: [T][X] study for test

deadline <description> /by <date (yyyy-mm-dd)> - Add deadline

Adds a task to be completed by a set deadline.

Example of usage:

deadline finalize design /by 2020-06-05

Expected outcome:

Added task: [D][X] finalize design (by: Jun 5 2020)

event <description> /at <date (yyyy-mm-dd)> - Add event

Adds a task involving a specific date.

Example of usage:

event attend meeting /at 2020-05-15

Expected outcome:

Added task: [E][X] attend meeting (on: May 15 2020)

list - List tasks

Lists all the current tasks.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

 1. [T][X] study for test
 2. [D][X] finalize design (by: Jun 5 2020)
 3. [E][X] attend meeting (on: May 15 2020)

done <task-id> - Mark task as done

Marks task starting with the specified ID as done.

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Marked task as done.

New output of list:

1. [T][/] study for test
2. [D][X] finalize design (by: Jun 5 2020)
3. [E][X] attend meeting (on: May 15 2020)

delete <task-id> - Delete task

Deletes task starting with the specified ID.

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

Deleted task 1

New output of list:

1. [D][X] finalize design (by: Jun 5 2020)
2. [E][X] attend meeting (on: May 15 2020)

find <string> - Find text in tasks

Searches the task descriptions and returns tasks that contain the input string.

Example of usage:

find design

Expected outcome:

Found 1 match(es) in your list:
[D][X] finalize design (by: Jun 5 2020)